Bug Bounty
#bugbounty1 – Starting back at the beginning

#bugbounty1 – Starting back at the beginning

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I’ve always had a keen interest in OffSec, all the way back to when I started in the IT industry it has gripped me on how secure systems should be.

Nearly 10 years ago I did my OCSP when it was BT2 (yes, that long ago and Kali wasn’t even thought up as a brand yet!), the term ‘try harder’ never left the content of the course, and myself for that matter. All this time on I have decided to try and get my thinking cap on again and kick back into the realm of Security / Testing / WebApp, starting with Bug Bounty.

Source: Threat Post

I know currently the market is saturated with individuals like myself who are aspiring to get onto the ladder for bigger and better things, I’m lucky to already be in a well-cemented niche in the market of the IT industry, so my approach to this is more for ‘fun’ than movement (who knows…).

Hoping some insight will come out of the posts I start to fill up on here with the learning path I am going to undertake, and hopefully benefit some others or perhaps be used as a knowledge base of some kind… some of it might be wrong, but it’s a good place for content non the less.

Source: TCM Security

I have subscribed to the TCM Security / Academy to kick me off and have been recommended it by a few friends I have known over the years, and for every blog post, I will try to structure each with a section on the Bug Bounty course itself – again with more of a knowledge base and to fill up my blog with a mind dump of what floats around in my head!

Happy hacking!